Endeavour Hills Fair Prices. Kitchen Quality Work Tap Ware

Kitchen Taps, Endeavour Hills.

Often taps in the kitchen wear out first,  they are used the most. You can often upgrade to a flip mixer for a similar price of replacing exsisting Tap Ware, and  breech. Any old tap holes are simply plugged with stainless steel covers.Kitchen taps 1.

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Burst pipe. Croydon Fair Prices. Quality Work

Burst pipe in wall, Croydon.

This week I had a call out to inspect a dripping sound from the bathroom.
It turns out this home owner only purchased the house a week prior. The house had been completely renovated, the leak was somewhere behind the newly tiled shower wall. It was going to be a shame to destroy that new wall, not to mention the repair bill! The owner would have to repair all the tiles afterwards, and to add insult to injury his house and contents insurer would not cover $1 towards it.
Its not easy to locate a leak behind a thick tiled wall, as noise will travel. With some extra time taken to narrow down the problem area, and some extra care taken to very carefully cut the tile out, I was able to open a hole in the wall. Then I repaired the leak caused by previous renovator, and then glued the tile back into position. Once the tile is re-grouted no one will ever know. The owner was extremely happy with the outcome.
If you are buying a home always ask for receipts and certificates for any work that has been done.  Protect your investment by making sure the job was done right. Only a licensed plumber can do plumbing work and is required to issue a certificate of compliance at the end.
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